Have you had permanent make up, previously? If yes, I will need to know that you have not been tattooed with Premier True Concentrates between the years 2000 and 2004. If you have, I will require written documentation from your previous practitioner that this product was not used. The Premier pigment described can trigger an allergic reaction.

Are you Pregnant or nursing? If so, please reschedule your appointment after your delivery and after nursing completed.

Are you scheduled for or considering vision correction surgery? No procedures can be performed 1 month prior to laser surgery and three months after.

Have you recently had facial surgery, Botox fillers such as Restylane, Sculptra, etc., or any type of lip augmentation? If yes we require a 2 week period minimum before pigmenting any areas

Are you on any medications such as Blood thinners such as Coumadin, etc., Steroids such as Prednisone Chemotherapy, or Prophylactic Chemotherapy? Medical clearance will be necessary.

Are you on Accutane for treatment of Acne? A waiting period of 1 year is necessary prior to permanent cosmetics.

Do you have a heart valve replacement, stents, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Rheumatic Fever or any heart condition? If yes they may need to be pre-medicated.

Are you pre-medicated prior to dental work? If yes you may need to be pre-medicated.

Have you had an organ transplant? If yes you are not a candidate.

Do you have a joint replacement? If yes, you will require pre-medication and medical clearance.

Are you an insulin dependent diabetic? Medical clearance is required.

Do you have any dermatologic disorders such as Shingles, Rosacia, Eczema, and Psoriasis and are they active? If they are active, we must wait until they have calmed down.

Do you have any medical condition that has you presently in the care of a doctor? If yes they may need medical clearance

If you have had a previous cosmetic procedure, please describe the color that is remaining so I will know whether you need a touch-up or correction.

Do you plan on going on a vacation (in the sun) in the next 2 weeks? If yes you may need to reschedule and discuss sun protection options (hat, sunglasses and sunscreen).

All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes. You are required to come back for at least one touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled approximately six week to three-month intervals.

Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly brighter or darker as well as larger and sharper, than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition, (1 to 2 weeks for brows and eyeliner. Six weeks for lips) based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.

Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make any social plans for a day or two following a procedure. Allow a minimum of 1 month healing from time of procedures for significant events. This reduces stress for all.

Wear your normal make-up and bring your lip or brow pencils to the office on the day of the procedure.

Eyebrow Procedures

How much hair do you have in your brow?

Any eyebrow tinting should be done no sooner than 48 hours before or two weeks after the procedure.

Lips Procedures

Do you have a fever blister, at this time, and have you ever had even one fever blister in your lifetime? If you are having lip procedures and have any history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician for Valtrex to possibly prevent such outbreaks. Many physicians prescribe 12 capsules of 500 mg. Valtrex. Your physician may prescribe that they be taken twice a day, three days before lip procedures and four days after. Be sure to ask for 24 to avoid 2 co-pays. This will include enough medication for your touch up visit.

Do you want full lip color or a liner with shading?

Camouflage Procedures

While these injected tones may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, it will not always remain a perfect match. Injected tones are constant, while your own skin tones will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes. For example, if you tan your skin and had a scar camouflaged your surrounding skin will be darker in appearance than the treated area.


(561) 867-0057



(561) 867-0057